Legislature(1993 - 1994)

02/26/1993 01:25 PM Senate RLS

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                     SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                    
                        February 26, 1993                                      
                            1:25 p.m.                                          
  MEMBERS PRESENT                                                              
  Senator George Jacko, Chairman                                               
  Senator Steve Rieger, Vice Chairman                                          
  Senator Rick Halford                                                         
  MEMBERS ABSENT                                                               
  Senator Suzanne Little                                                       
  Senator Fred Zharoff                                                         
  COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                           
  CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 94(FIN)                                                
  "An Act  making a  supplemental appropriation  for costs  of                 
  elections operations; and providing for an effective date."                  
  SENATE BILL NO. 53                                                           
  "An  Act  annulling  changes  made  by  certain  regulations                 
  adopted  by  the Department  of  Health and  Social Services                 
  relating to funding  of abortion services under  the general                 
  relief medical  program;  and  providing  for  an  effective                 
  SENATE BILL NO. 54                                                           
  "An  Act relating  to violations of  laws by  juveniles; and                 
  providing for an effective date."                                            
  SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 19                                               
  Requesting the United States Air Force to rename  Shemya Air                 
  Force Base to Eareckson Air Force Base.                                      
  PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION                                             
  HB  94 - Finance report 2/25/93.                                             
  SB  53 - See HESS minutes dated 1/27/93.  See Labor &                        
           Commerce minutes dated 2/10/93 and 2/24/93.                         
           Finance report 2/26/93.                                             
  SB  54 - See Judiciary minutes dated 2/8/93 and 2/17/93.                     
           Finance report 2/26/93                                              
  SJR 19 - See State Affairs minutes dated 2/17/93.                            
  ACTION NARRATIVE                                                             
  TAPE 93-1, SIDE A                                                            
  Number 001                                                                   
  The Senate Rules Committee was  called to order by  Chairman                 
  Jacko at 1:25 p.m.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN   JACKO   introduced   CSHB   94   (FIN)   (APPROP:                 
  SUPPLEMENTAL   FOR   ELECTION  COSTS).     There   being  no                 
  discussion,  the  Chair  asked  for   the  pleasure  of  the                 
  SENATOR HALFORD moved and asked  unanimous consent that CSHB
  94  (FIN)  be  approved  for   calendaring  at  the  Chair's                 
  discretion.  Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.                        
  CHAIRMAN JACKO introduced SB 53 (ANNULLING  ABORTION FUNDING                 
  REGULATIONS) as the  next order of business.    The being no                 
  discussion,  the  Chair  asked  for   the  pleasure  of  the                 
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent  that SB 53                 
  be  approved for  calendaring  at  the  Chair's  discretion.                 
  Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.                                     
  CHAIRMAN  JACKO   brought  SB   54  (OFFENSES   BY  JUVENILE                 
  OFFENDERS) before the committee.  There being no discussion,                 
  the Chair asked for the pleasure of the committee.                           
  SENATOR HALFORD moved and asked unanimous consent that SB 54                 
  be  approved  for  calendaring at  the  Chair's  discretion.                 
  Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.                                     
  The final  order of  business was  SJR 19  (NAME SHEMYA  AFB                 
  EARECKSON AIR FORCE BASE).                                                   
  SENATOR  RIEGER  moved  that CSSJR  19  (RULES)  be adopted.                 
  Hearing no objection, the motion carried.                                    
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent that SJR 19                 
  be  approved  for  calendaring  at the  Chair's  discretion.                 
  Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.                                     
  There  being  no   further  business  to  come   before  the                 
  committee, the meeting was adjourned 1:27 p..m.                              

Document Name Date/Time Subjects